6th BigBrain Workshop | 25-27 October 2022 | Zadar, Croatia

We are pleased to announce the

6th BigBrain Workshop: From microstructure to functional connectomics

as an in-person event taking place on October 25-27, 2022 in Zadar, Croatia

With this workshop we reach out to the international community of BigBrain users and invite researchers from our global network (and beyond) to present their work and to discuss future prospects of the BigBrain data and tools, in particular exchange views on how to better leverage high performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) to create multimodal, multiresolution tools for the high-resolution BigBrain and related datasets. We are proud to announce Profs MuMing Poo and Ivica Kostović as our keynote speakers.

For more information and registration: 6th BigBrain Workshop - From microstructure to functional connectomics (25-27 October 2022): Overview · HIFIS and Helmholtz Events (Indico)

We are pleased to announce that the BigBrain Workshop will be held in conjunction with the Autumn HBP Young Researchers Event, taking place as a full day satellite event on October 25, on-site at the conference venue.

Call for Contribution

The workshop will be organized as a symposium, with both invited speakers and contributed talks as well as a poster and demo session. We welcome short abstracts of current work and/or short proposals for future initiatives related to the BigBrain or similar data. The topics to be considered will include:

  • Methods and algorithms to analyze the BigBrain and related data, especially (but not necessarily) concerning repair and preprocessing
  • registration
  • segmentation and mapping of cortical layers, areas, and subcortical structures
  • visualization and annotation tools
  • deep learning and machine learning approaches
  • modeling and simulation
  • HPC aspects of managing, storing and processing big data (high resolution and/or very large volume)
  • Studies and teaching activities around the BigBrain

Important dates

  • Registration deadline including accommodation at the conference venue: July 20, 2022
  • Registration deadline: September 25, 2022
  • Abstract submission for talks: September 27, 2022
  • Abstract submission for posters: October 11, 2022
  • Upload of camera-ready posters: October 18, 2022

Organizing Committee

​​Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University Montreal:
Alan C Evans
Paule-Joanne Toussaint

Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Forschungszentrum Jülich:
Katrin Amunts
Susanne Wenzel

Local Organizing Committee:
Croatian Institute for Brain Research, School of Medicine University of Zagreb:
Goran Sedmak
Andrija Štajduhar
Tena Popović

Please contact the program committee if you have any questions. We will continuously update the information on the website and also share information via Twitter (@BigBrainProject) and e-mail.

www.bigbrainproject.org @BigBrainProject

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Dear Everyone,

The deadline is fast approaching for registration and abstract submission for a talk at the BigBrain Workshop 2022 and participation at the HBP Young Researchers Event meets HIBALL. Please join us in Zadar, Croatia from October 25-27 to discuss big data science around the BigBrain data, infrastructure, and tools.

On behalf of the Organising Committee

Dear BigBrain Community,

In case you missed the talks at the BigBrain Workshop here is your chance to catch-up: https://bigbrainproject.org/bigbrainworkshop-2022.html

A big thanks to Derek for setting up the website.

Paule-J and Susanne